

For the sake of respect, the smooth running of shooting evenings and the safety of other archers, please observe the safety rules and other regulations set out below when you are on the club premises.


  1. Never raise a bowstring close to another archer.
  2. Archers must form a straight shooting line.
  3. Never point a bow, with or without an arrow, at another person.
  4. Never touch a person in a shooting position
  5. Never hold a bow horizontally on the shooting line. It disturbs the neighbors
  6. Never shoot until all archers have returned behind the shooting line. Always wait for the signal from those in charge (see SIFFLET section below).
  7. Never shoot an arrow vertically or string your bow vertically (sky draw).
  8. Never run on the shooting area (from the waiting line to the targets).
  9. Never stand behind an archer retrieving arrows from a target.
  10. Never approach a target from the center to remove your arrows; stop 2m away and then approach the target from the sides.
  11. Never allow an archer to shoot with damaged string or arrows.

If you witness any unsafe behavior, have any questions or doubt certain rules and behaviors, do not hesitate to speak with any member of management.


  1. 2 shots: Advance to the firing line (DO NOT PULL OUT THE ARROWS)
  2. 1 shot: Shoot
  3. 3 shots: Fetch your arrows
  4. 5 shots and +: EMERGENCY, we all stop, put your bow on the stand and withdraw behind the 2nd shooting line.



  1. The room is reserved for training new archers from 18:30 to 19:00 on Mondays.
  2. Between 19:00 and 20:30 on Mondays, shooting is at court speed..
  3. Membership cards & affiliations attached to your quiver and in plain view
  4. Shooting from the shooting line (one foot either side of the line)
  5. A volley consists of 3 arrows.
  6. When you have finished your volley, please stand behind the 2nd shooting line.
  7. The shooting area is reserved for shooters. Shooters on break must take their break away from the shooting line.
  8. If an archer is visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs of any kind (including cannabis), he/she will be escorted from the premises. Repeat offenders will no longer be welcome (membership card withdrawn and access to the club refused at all times).



The outdoor site is reserved for sports use only. It is forbidden to dump anything on the site. The club rents the site.

  1. Entrance gate locked at all times (excluded: Work & Competitions)
  2. Membership cards & affiliations attached to your quiver and in plain view.
  3. ​Field shooting from the shooting line (one foot either side of the line)
  4. A volley consists of 3 arrows. Hunting points prohibited!
  5. Several archers? Agree to stop & resume shooting.
  6. Arrow search: 2-minute break (notify archers and ask for help).
  7. Crossbowmen: Band and cock just before shooting.
  8. No carrying of bandaged and/or cocked crossbows.
  9. Avoid diagonal shots. (With the exception of 50m)
  10. No consumption of alcohol or drugs is permitted. If an archer is visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs of any kind (including cannabis), he/she will be escorted from the premises. Repeat offenders will no longer be welcome (membership card withdrawn and access to the club refused at all times).



  1. Please recycle your bottles and cans.
  2. Bring back your food scraps and leftovers.

No verbal or physical abuse will be tolerated.

Any archer who does not respect the rules will receive a warning. If he or she re-offends, a disciplinary report will be filled out and signed by the offending member and management, and his or her shooting night will be terminated.

If the same archer accumulates 3 disciplinary reports, his/her membership card will be withdrawn and access to the club denied for the remainder of the current year.

Thank you for thinking about respect for others and safety.

Shooting Sequence

General Regulations

Brochure 2023