Bow (Longbow or Recurve)

1. Select a bow with a draw weight that is appropriate. Draw weight refers to the amount of force needed to hold the string at full draw while aiming. Lighter draw weights are best for beginners; you should be able to draw the bow easily and hold it at full draw with minimal effort and without any discomfort. See the following recommendations:

Kids 12- : Maximum 15 lbs draw weight.

Teens 12-17 : 15-20 lbs maximum draw weight.

Women : 25 lbs maximum draw weight. 18-20 lbs recommended.

Men : 30 lbs max. 20-25 lbs recommended.

2. Beginners should also consider getting a takedown bow. Limbs of different draw weights can easily be fitted to the bow’s riser allowing for quick replacement should the archer want to increase or decrease the bow’s draw weight. It is much more economical to purchase limbs than an entire bow. These bows also allow for the limbs to be removed for storage and transport.

3. Make sure to specify whether your bow should be right-handed or left-handed. When choosing the correct hand orientation for a bow, simply select the option that is your dominant hand. The dominant hand is used to draw the string of the bow while the opposite hand holds the bow stationary. Come to our range during the winter season to try out right and left-handed bows if you have any doubts ($10 fee). One of our instructors will be happy to assist you in your selection.

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