Outdoor Site – Official Opening

Hello fellow archers,
A HUGE thank you once again to all our volunteers and committee members who have helped set up our outdoor site these past few weeks. THANK YOU!
We are officially open as of tomorrow, Sunday, May 19th! Enjoy the parcours in the woods and our new 10 to 50m range targets!
Any members who have not yet received a key for this year’s lock can e-mail us at club@archersperrotdamois.com
Please take a moment again this year to review our Rules and Safety Regulations at: Rules – Les Archers Perrotdamois
Of utmost importance, the gate should always be locked, and hunting broadheads are NOT permitted. Where possible, please ensure your practice points and arrow shaft are the same diameter to limit target damage.
Thanks again for all your support. Enjoy the season!
La Direction